Systems of Abundance

The world is in a state of transition. But what are we transitioning to? 

For me and The Feast, everything is interconnected and everything goes back to a relationship with the land. 

You see, monocrop and mono-culture go hand in hand. Individualized, compartmentalized ways of seeing the world has stripped our land and our guts of culture - physical and social. Big ag leaves the land depleted of nutrients and eating its output kills our digestive biome. This leaves us more prone to depression, anxiety and other issues. Is it any wonder our culture reflects rising mental health issues and isolation? 

The micro is the macro. The state of our planet is the state of our gut is the state of our greater social order: And we are starving.

Starved for connection, starved for agency and meaning, starved for a community that sees us for who we are as enough - the foundation that makes us capable of anything and everything. 

We must re-weave ourselves into a collective fabric, and relationship is the thread. 

Through systems of trust and mutual support, we can find our way back a way of connection. Because community is not a commodity, but connection will become the new currency in the days to come. Because as social structures continue to shift, it connection that enables resilience and response.

The question is what kind of system do we want to build? One that leverages connection for flourishing? Or one that attempts to use it as a means to an end or minimize it as a nice to have. 

I suggest that connection and community, must be valued at the center of new ways of living, working. 

What does that look like? 

Imagine, a world where you know who you are and friends supporting you on the life-long journey toward coming home to yourself. That you have people to turn to to make sense of the world and your place in it. To share your deepest vulnerabilities and your greatest celebrations. 

Imagine that you are able to share your gifts in a way that flows as fluidly as a river stream - undammed, unafraid, unencumbered by forces external or internal. By arguments or issues of money or systems. Imagine that you have a community to help you channel the force of this powerful current that is you - toward flourishing, toward beauty, toward that which truly fulfills you. 

Imagine a place where we see the gift in every conflict as an opportunity to grow. Where we do that growing in community to realize our fullest expression. Day by day, growing, bearing fruit, sharing our gifts with each other, and starting over again - each time with new lessons, new experiences, and new things to celebrate. 

Imagine a place where our investment in each other means greater security ; socially, ecologically, financially. Where we are not divorced from the system, but independent of it. 

We have what we need so we can fully serve. 

We create an example of what’s possible; for how to live, how to work, and how to play, expand, and creating in relationship with this incredible planet. And we extend our learnings as an offering to the world in a time of transition. 

At The Feast, we are transitioning to a state of fullness. One that is replete with social, cultural, and economic richness and abundance. Yes, we are creating systems of abundance. 

So come, Feast with me. I would love to connect with you about this vision and how we’re bringing it to life to learn and co-create a more beautiful and connected future with you.

Rei Chou