Question of the month w/ Alessandra Lariu




Alessandra has been a friend and inspiration for years. She's a brilliant creative, a fierce woman and has been championing talented creative women for years. Among other influence and work ( like being one of Fast Company's 100 most creative people and World’s Most Influential Female Creative Director), she empowers women daily as the Co-founder of SheSays, an award-winning global network organization focused on the engagement, education and advancement of women in marketing.  So with this unique lens, we were excited to get to connect with her about how we can all celebrate women more.  

Here are a few responses Ale had to some questions from this month's Feast dinner toolkit. 

Share how women or a particular woman in your life has shaped who you are.

My vision is that we have different perspectives when it comes to leadership. Joyce King-Thomas (Chairman, Chief Creative Officer at McCann XBC) made sure I was paid equally to my peers and had just the right mix of strength and kindness. Laura Jordan-Bambach, my co-founder at SheSays, is also a perfect example of gracious bravery -

Share a story of a moment when a woman you know was powerful and inspiring. How did it make you feel and why?  

I mentor tons of women through SheSays and it's not the already powerful women who inspire me. The ones who become powerful are way more inspirational. It makes me incredibly happy to see a junior designer I mentored become a vocal talented leader - someone who leads by influence and not by command. Someone who's helping push fundamental cultural changes in the workplace towards a more diverse future.

What would things be like if women ruled the world? What might be different? How would that feel for the men at the table? The women?

There will surely be no wars. 100% no wars. Most men, specially the ones in leadership positions, should listen to others a little more. Learning to listen should be a trait all humans should harness from a early age. This trait is currently mostly being taught to girls, who then loose the ability to speak up. The root cause of being a 'gentle, good girl' that has lead to the very late realization of #metoo. It's imperative that women speak-up now. But it's also imperative that, in the future, we all learn to listen. Specially men.  

We're excited to be partnered with SheSays for this month's Feast question. Check them out and have a listen to what they have to say; we're sure it'll be worth it.


Rei Chou